Urban still water fishing in the lower Mainland

We are blessed here in the Lower Mainland of BC when it comes to fly fishing. Not only do we have 3 world class river systems holding stealhead, cutthroat trout, bull trout, and salmon, we also have a plethora of still water options. We have everything from small urban lakes that hold bass and panfish, to mid size lakes holding stocked rainbows and wild coastal cutthroat trout ( Also a few rare gems hold brook trout too, if you know where to find them.), to the big lakes that you would need a boat to fish successfully. 

Owners Tyler and Craig made it out to one of their favourite urban lakes recently and got their first dry fly action of the year. The recently stocked fish were literally boiling eating emerging chironomids and midges. Some were hitting it so hard they were launching 2 to 3 feet out of the water. It really made for some exciting fishing!

A few of their favourite urban lakes are Sasamat lake for the rainbows and the odd native cutthroat, Deer lake for the large mouth bass and pan fish, and Buntzen for the rainbows and kokanee. All three are regularly stocked with rainbows by the Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC. A few other great options are Como lake, Lafarge lake, and Whonnock lake (which holds an impressive black crappie population).

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